West Oxfordshire District Council has now launched its Local Plan Consultation for 8 weeks closing on the 25th October 2023. I recognise many residents are sceptical of consultations, but it is important for you to have your say.
The Local Plan shapes our future and the decisions made for the future of West Oxfordshire and is key in developing the areas where we live and work ensuring the surrounding environment isn’t negatively impacted.
The Local Plan legally has to be reviewed and updated. Many of you will be aware we currently don't have enough housing land supply to meet the current local plan which effects how we make planning decisions. Currently when planning applications are submitted refusal can only be granted if “substantial harm” is identified outweighing the benefits regarding that application.
In Aston village within my ward, Parish Councillors and villagers recently spoke at an appeal by Terra to build more houses in Aston. Unfortunately, they were unsuccessful and could not stop the planning being approved as the benefits were considered to outweigh any harm despite presenting a very strong argument.
It is important for those of us in villages to have our say as within the consultation, which is all encompassing, they will be looking at where housing should be built.
I think we all recognise that there is a real need for housing and equally a huge demand for affordable housing in West Oxfordshire. The question is are villages really the right place for these large-scale developments? Villages will still play their part regarding additional housing numbers but without your input it could be much larger and have a much greater impact on where many of us live now.
Whilst this consultation is available online and will be fully interactive allowing you to make comments WODC will also be engaging with Town and Parish Councils and will also be happy to receive written feedback on the consultation via email or post. The District Council are encouraging all stakeholders to respond using the online digital platform CitizenLab, which can be accessed via the following link: https://yourvoice.westoxon.gov.uk/en-GB/
Lysette Nicholls
District Councillor for Standlake, Aston and Stanton Harcourt